Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 162, you are viewing 85 - 94


address Restaurant 3 LNER Community Stadium Kathryn Avenue Huntington York YO32 9AF
description Display of 2no. internally illuminated fascia signs, 2no. internally illuminated projecting signs, 2no. applied letters above the public entrances and 1no. internally illuminated menu board
area York
start date 21/11/2023
decision Approve - 13/03/2024


address 15 Redthorn Drive Huntington York YO31 9DW
description Part two storey part single storey side and rear extension and canopy to front elevation, following demolition of detached garage.
area York
start date 14/11/2023
decision Householder Approval - 22/01/2024


address Manor Farm Barn Huntington Road York YO32 9QA
description Fell 1 no. Ash - tree in a conservation area
area York
start date 07/11/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 13/12/2023


address 15 Keith Avenue Huntington York YO32 9QH
description Replacement and raising of existing conservatory roof and removal of rear door with replacement window
area York
start date 07/11/2023
decision Householder Approval - 21/12/2023


address 374 Huntington Road York YO31 9HP
description T1 Sycamore (in the front garden). Reduce height by 1.5-2m to leave an overall height of approx 10m. Reduce lateral canopy by 1.5-2m to leave a canopy spread of approx 6m. Remove lower branches to raise canopy over footpath to no more than 2.5m.tree covered by TPO No. 1970/64A
area York
start date 23/10/2023
decision No Objections from LPA subject to Conds - 18/12/2023


address F W Evans Cycles Uk Ltd Unit 3 Julia Avenue Huntington York YO32 9JR
description Display of 5no. internally illuminated fascia signs to front and side elevations
area York
start date 10/10/2023
decision Approve - 08/01/2024


address 8 Gormire Avenue York YO31 9JB
description Hip to gable roof extension, rear extension and dormer to rear
area York
start date 06/10/2023
decision Refuse - 19/03/2024


address F W Evans Cycles Uk Ltd Unit 3 Julia Avenue Huntington York YO32 9JR
description Installation of new shop front and extension to external block paving
area York
start date 04/10/2023
decision Approve - 11/01/2024


address 4 Ferguson Way Huntington York YO32 9YG
description Variation of condition 2 of permitted application 22/00433/FUL to alter the design of the elevations
area York
start date 29/09/2023
decision Application Withdrawn - 24/01/2024


address Huntington School Huntington Road York YO32 9WT
description Conditions 4 and 5 of 23/00821/GRG3
area York
start date 21/09/2023
decision Approve Details - 02/04/2024

Last Updated 22/01/2024