What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
A neighbourhood plan is a relatively new type of planning document which allows the local community to shape development and influence planning in our area. Neighbourhood Plans form part of the statutory development plan for the City of York and the policies contained within them are then used during the process of determining planning decisions.
They form part of the Government’s approach to planning, which aims to give local people more of a say about the future of their area.
When preparing a neighbourhood plan, communities are not working from a blank piece of paper. National rules set out some important principles to which neighbourhoods Plans must abide. One of these is that all Neighbourhood Plans must be in general conformity with national and local (i.e. City of York) planning policy.
Huntington Parish Council agreed that it should work with the community to create a Neighbourhood Plan for the whole of the Parish area.
A Steering Group has been established to lead the process.
Huntington Neighbourhood Plan
The Huntington Draft Neighbourhood Plan was published for consultation for 8 weeks from 29th January to 23rd March 2018. The comments and views received results where considered very carefully and used to finalise the Submission Draft of the Huntington Neighbourhood Plan.
An analysis of the consultation including a summary of the comments received and how this been used to shape the Submission Draft can be found here.
The Plan and associated maps and supporting documents can also be found below: