Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 162, you are viewing 100 - 109


address 5 Whitethorn Close Huntington York YO31 9EZ
description Single storey side/rear extension
area York
start date 18/08/2023
decision Householder Approval - 13/10/2023


address 9 Keith Avenue Huntington York YO32 9QH
description Hip to gable roof extensions to both sides, dormer to rear and 2no. roof lights to front
area York
start date 17/08/2023
decision Householder Approval - 10/10/2023


address 16 Minster Avenue Huntington York YO31 9DJ
description Hip to gable roof extension, pitched-roof side and rear extension and rear dormer
area York
start date 17/08/2023
decision Householder Approval - 11/10/2023


address 270 Malton Road Huntington York YO32 9TE
description Single storey rear extension
area York
start date 14/08/2023
decision Householder Approval - 20/10/2023


address Telecommunications Cabinet Adjacent 44A The Old Village Huntington York
description Regulation 5 notice of intention to install fixed line broadband cabinet.
area York
start date 10/08/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 04/10/2023


address 15 Cleveland Way Huntington York YO32 9PG
description Single storey rear extension following demolition of detached garage
area York
start date 26/07/2023
decision Householder Approval - 22/09/2023


address Vyner Cottage 3 Strensall Road York YO32 9RF
description Internal alterations including removal of internal wall
area York
start date 25/07/2023
decision Application Withdrawn - 22/11/2023


address Huntington Fish Shop 65 North Moor Road Huntington York YO32 9QN
description Change of use of hot food takeaway (sui generis) to annex accommodation used in association with 65 North Moor Road. Associated alterations including front and rear extensions.
area York
start date 05/07/2023
decision Application Withdrawn - 23/10/2023


address 12 Linden Close Huntington York YO32 9RQ
description Single storey side and rear extensions - resubmission
area York
start date 04/07/2023
decision Householder Approval - 04/09/2023


address The Cottage 1 Strensall Road York YO32 9RF
description 50% Crown reduction of Horse Chestnut in rear garden - tree in Conservation Area
area York
start date 27/06/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 10/08/2023

Last Updated 22/01/2024