Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 162, you are viewing 130 - 139


address 88 Woodland Way Huntington York YO32 9NY
description Single storey rear and side extensions following demolition of existing garage
area York
start date 17/04/2023
decision Householder Approval - 12/06/2023


address 9 Doriam Drive York YO31 9JE
description Erection of single storey extension extending 4 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.4 metres and a total height of 2.4 metres
area York
start date 10/04/2023
decision LHE Approved - 19/07/2023


address 3 Broome Way Huntington York YO32 9RL
description Single storey side and rear extensions
area York
start date 29/03/2023
decision Householder Approval - 29/06/2023


address 136 North Moor Huntington York YO32 9SA
description Single storey and first floor rear extensions
area York
start date 28/03/2023
decision Householder Approval - 23/06/2023


address 6 Drakes Close Huntington York YO32 9GN
description Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory
area York
start date 24/03/2023
decision Householder Approval - 17/05/2023


address 6 Hopgrove Lane North York YO32 9TF
description Conditions 3 & 5 of 22/01153/FUL
area York
start date 16/03/2023
decision Approve Details - 26/05/2023


address LNER Community Stadium Kathryn Avenue Huntington York YO32 9AF
description External plantroom and associated works, installation of louvres within existing cladding and new door within existing curtain walling.
area York
start date 16/03/2023
decision Approve - 01/08/2023


address Telecommunications Equipment Grass Verge Adjacent 246 New Lane Huntington York
description Erection of 15m Phase 8 Monopole and associated ancillary works
area York
start date 15/03/2023
decision Application Withdrawn - 25/04/2023


address 12 Linden Close Huntington York YO32 9RQ
description Single storey side/rear extensions and demolition of detached garage
area York
start date 03/03/2023
decision Householder Approval - 10/05/2023


address 282 Huntington Road York YO31 9BT
description Single storey rear extension
area York
start date 27/02/2023
decision Householder Refusal - 09/05/2023

Last Updated 22/01/2024