Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 162, you are viewing 70 - 79


address LNER Community Stadium Kathryn Avenue Huntington York YO32 9AF
description Condition 6 of 14/02933/FULM
area York
start date 14/02/2024
decision Refuse Details - 11/03/2024


address Unit 12A Monks Cross Shopping Park Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9GX
description Installation of full cover Mezzanine to Units 12A and 12B.
area York
start date 09/02/2024
decision Approve - 21/06/2024


address 21 Burn Estate Huntington York YO32 9PZ
description Single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory
area York
start date 19/01/2024
decision Householder Approval - 10/04/2024


address 18 Strensall Road York YO32 9RG
description Single storey rear extensions and alterations to fenestration following demolition of conservatory
area York
start date 17/01/2024
decision Approve - 15/03/2024


address T.K.Maxx Unit 2 Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9GX
description Display of 1no. flagpole sign, 2no. logo signs, 2no. large billboards, 1no. small billboard, 1no. poster display unit and 1no. directional sign
area York
start date 15/01/2024
decision Approve - 18/03/2024


address 2 Meadow Way Huntington York YO32 9QD
description Re- submission of approved application (ref: 21/01956/FUL) for 1no. detached two bedroom dwelling to side with new garage at no.2 Meadow Way and associated landscaping and access
area York
start date 15/01/2024
decision Approve - 24/07/2024


address 34 Whitestone Drive Huntington York YO31 9HZ
description Single storey side and rear extension with pitched roof and canopy to front elevation
area York
start date 09/01/2024
decision Householder Approval - 22/03/2024


address JOHN LEWIS Unit C Vangarde Way Huntington York YO32 9AE
description Display of 6no. illuminated signs
area York
start date 22/12/2023
decision Refuse - 20/02/2024


address Joseph Rowntree Memorial Library Haxby Road York YO91 1XY
description Conditions 2 and 3 of 23/00693/LBC
area York
start date 20/12/2023
decision Approve Details - 19/01/2024


address Site To The West Of The A1237 And South Of North Lane Huntington York
description Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 323 houses ('Redrow Northern') pursuant to outline planning permission 18/00017/OUTM.
area York
start date 05/12/2023
decision None

Last Updated 22/01/2024