Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 162, you are viewing 55 - 64


address Site To The West Of The A1237 And South Of North Lane Huntington York
description Reserved matters application for appearance, scale, layout and landscaping of 166no. dwellings (Central North Phase 3C) pursuant to 18/00017/OUTM
area York
start date 08/04/2024
decision None


address Sainsbury's Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9LG
description Extension of service yard to accommodate goods facility comprising 14no. loading bays and associated works
area York
start date 03/04/2024
decision Approve - 07/06/2024


address Sainsbury's Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9LG
description Display of 12no. non illuminated signs
area York
start date 03/04/2024
decision Approve - 07/06/2024


address 9 Thornfield Drive Huntington York YO31 9DR
description Hip to gable extension, single storey side and rear extension, dormer to rear and rooflight to front
area York
start date 28/03/2024
decision Householder Approval - 14/06/2024


address 26 Stratford Way Huntington York YO32 9YW
description Two no. single storey rear extensions
area York
start date 27/03/2024
decision Householder Approval - 31/05/2024


address 44 Whitestone Drive Huntington York YO31 9HZ
description Erection of single storey extension extending 3.82 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.53 metres and a total height of 3.75 metres
area York
start date 25/03/2024
decision LHE Approved - 03/05/2024


address Huntington School Huntington Road York YO32 9WT
description Removal of condition 3 (community use arrangements) of permitted application 23/00821/GRG3 for single storey teaching block
area York
start date 22/03/2024
decision Approve under General Regs 3 Council Dev - 17/05/2024


address 40 Linden Close Huntington York YO32 9RQ
description Single storey rear/side extension and dormer to rear following demolition of detached garage
area York
start date 18/03/2024
decision Householder Approval - 23/08/2024


address 37 The Old Village Huntington York YO32 9RA
description Conversion of existing garage into a habitable space, replacement windows throughout and alterations to fenestration
area York
start date 18/03/2024
decision Householder Approval - 03/06/2024


address Vangarde Retail Park Vangarde Way Huntington York YO32 9AE
description Condition 6 of 14/02933/FULM
area York
start date 18/03/2024
decision Approve Details - 08/04/2024

Last Updated 22/01/2024