Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 161, you are viewing 20 - 29


address Hollywood Bowl Unit 2 Kathryn Avenue Huntington York YO32 9AF
description Display of 1no. aluminium panel, built-up aluminium lettering, and 1no. internal vinyl sign
area York
start date 12/09/2024
decision Approve - 11/11/2024


address 19 Keith Avenue Huntington York YO32 9QH
description Single storey rear extension, render, flue to rear, solar panels to side and replacement roof, doors and windows after removal of porch
area York
start date 09/09/2024
decision None


address The Lodge 1 The Old Village Huntington York YO32 9RA
description Fell 1no. Willow protected by Tree Preservation Order No.37/6
area York
start date 04/09/2024
decision No Objections from LPA subject to Conds - 12/11/2024


address 2 Green Way Huntington York YO32 9QE
description Hip to gable front roof extension, replacement roof tiles, and external wall insulation comprising render to all elevations
area York
start date 02/09/2024
decision Householder Refusal - 28/10/2024


address 219A Malton Road Huntington York YO32 9TD
description Siting of skip and storage container - retrospective
area York
start date 02/09/2024
decision None


address 41 The Old Village Huntington York YO32 9RA
description Fell 7no. trees and various pruning/reductions works to 8no. trees in rear garden (as detailed in submitted documents) - trees in a conservation area
area York
start date 22/08/2024
decision No Objections from LPA - 01/10/2024


address 45 Broome Close Huntington York YO32 9RH
description Single storey rear extension
area York
start date 22/08/2024
decision Householder Approval - 17/10/2024


address 12 Greenacres Huntington York YO32 9QB
description Erection of a timber framed gazebo to rear garden (retrospective)
area York
start date 16/08/2024
decision Householder Approval - 09/10/2024


address Site To The West Of MX Park Monks Cross Drive Huntington York
description Non-material amendment to permitted application 22/01161/FULM for the relocation of units 12 and for additional glazing around entrance to units
area York
start date 15/08/2024
decision Refuse - 23/09/2024


address Sainsbury's Monks Cross Drive Huntington York YO32 9LG
description Installation of 704no. roof mounted solar panels with a total installed capacity of 314kWp under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 14, Class J
area York
start date 08/08/2024
decision Approve - 07/10/2024

Last Updated 22/01/2024