Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Huntington Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 162, you are viewing 115 - 124


address 127 North Moor Huntington York YO32 9SA
description Erection of single storey extension extending 4.75 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 3.00 metres and a total height of 3.00 metres
area York
start date 14/06/2023
decision LHE Approved - 19/07/2023


address Telecommunications Cabinet The Old Village Huntington York
description Regulation 5 notice of installation of 1x DSLAM Cabinet
area York
start date 08/06/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 19/06/2023


address 5 Birch Park Huntington York YO31 9PA
description 20% reduction of overhanging branches to 1 no. Ash and 1 no. Sycamore tree protected by TPO 117/1988
area York
start date 08/06/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 25/07/2023


address Land To South And East Of The Cemetery New Lane Huntington York
description Outline planning application with all matters reserved except access, for up to 107 dwellings (use class C3) with associated landscaping, public open space, and vehicular access from New Lane.
area York
start date 19/05/2023
decision None


address 14 White Horse Close Huntington York YO32 9GH
description Erection of fence to front and side
area York
start date 15/05/2023
decision Householder Refusal - 27/10/2023


address Huntington Cp School North Moor Road Huntington York YO32 9QT
description Installation of 270no. roof mounted solar panels with a total installed capacity of 100kWp under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 14, Class J
area York
start date 15/05/2023
decision Approve - 18/07/2023


address Telecommunications Cabinet Adjacent 44A The Old Village Huntington York
description Regulation 5 notice for installation of cabinet
area York
start date 15/05/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 06/06/2023


address Ben Ruthan Chestnut Court The Old Village Huntington York YO32 9RD
description Remove 1 no. Eucalyptus and 1 no. Beech - trees in a Conservation Area
area York
start date 14/05/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 20/07/2023


address Riverside House Church Lane Huntington York YO32 9RE
description Fell 1no. Beech and 1no. Sycamore; crown reduce group of willow trees by 25% - protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 135-1989
area York
start date 12/05/2023
decision No Objections from LPA subject to Conds - 25/07/2023


address Seven Six Four Taxis Ltd 11 Roland Court Huntington York YO32 9PW
description Demolition of commercial unit. Erection of 4no. flats - resubmission.
area York
start date 26/04/2023
decision Refuse - 14/07/2023

Last Updated 22/01/2024